A propos de ce chemin

Many people have asked for more information about this path. In response to the inquiries, a brief overview is presented below.
On July 13, 1914, Divine Mother was born in the little sugar town of Waipahu on the Island of Oahu, in Hawaii. She was the second of eight children. Her family was very poor, and could only afford to send her to school up through the eighth grade. Throughout childhood, Divine Mother was deeply spiritual, and always prayed for others. She was sent to work as a maid, and later married. She had five children, and remained at home to care for the family. Around 1972, a divine messenger appeared to Divine Mother, and told Divine Mother that Sri Ramakrishna had sent her to show Divine Mother how to give God’s message for this age.

Sri Ramakrishna, qui est né en Inde en 1836, était un avatar, une incarnation divine de Dieu. Il est mort le 15 aout 1886. Sri Ramakrishna est venu pour harmoniser toutes les religions. Il disait « Je suis le fil qui passe au travers de toutes les perles » (les perles étant les religions individuelles dans le monde). Sri Ramakrishna manifestait l’amour pur de Dieu et enseignait la tolérance universelle et le respect pour toutes les religions. Dieu est Un, bien que les hommes L’appelle par plusieurs noms et c’est Sa Vie qui réside en chacun. Sri Ramakrishna ne voulait pas que nous perdions de vue cette vérité éternelle en nous empêtrant dans des dogmes, des sectes, ou des croyances. Il voulait que nous vivions chaque jour les messages intrinsèques que les maîtres parfaits ont transmis au cours des âges : Dieu est amour, paix, et compassion. Dans la réalisation spirituelle, nous pouvons connaître notre nature divine qui transcende toutes les religions.

Divine Mother was told that her message was meant for the householders; those who marry, have children, work and carry the burdens of living in the world to support their families. Divine Mother said that our true purpose in life is to realize God. By the example of her own life, she showed us how to realize God in the midst of raising a family. Divine Mother said that the simplest way to realize God is to have love and devotion to Him; to love God first, above everything else.
I met Divine Mother in the summer of 1973. I graduated from college in California, and spent the summer at home in Honolulu, where I was born and raised. My summer job had ended, and I was on my way to Boston to attend law school. A friend told me that she wanted me to meet Divine Mother, because she felt I was searching for God. I had been a seeker my whole life.

Each meditation with Divine Mother was cherished. God gave her the gift to silence the mind. As we meditated with her, we were being transformed effortlessly, as fears and worries dropped away. Divine Mother said she had the key to awaken our spiritual consciousness, and indeed God became alive in our hearts.Divine Mother gave us an inherent understanding of spirituality, which was direct and simple. We never engaged in rituals, or pored over scriptures or texts. She took us directly to Spirit, without any external distractions and immersed us in God’s peace, so silent and still. She always said that she worked with God’s Light, and was transmitting His Light to us. She said that she was not engaging with us “mind to mind,” but purely “spirit to spirit,” “infinite to infinite.” In a letter that Divine Mother sent to me in 1974, she said, “I’m only to serve God’s children, and whoever comes to me, I’ll show them they are God’s children, eternal, immortal, and the real guru is within.”
Divine Mother left the body on May 22, 1992. Before she left, she gave me her power of attorney and said, “Audrey, you carry Sri Ramakrishna’s Light to the world for Me.” This Light is to be taken to God’s children who hunger and thirst to know Him, and long to understand Him in daily life. Everywhere, people are suffering in their alienation from God and are looking for love, understanding, and acceptance, but in things outside of themselves. We must come within, for God is already sitting in our hearts the closest to us of all, and we must enter this sacred chamber to find Him there. This is the journey back to the Godself.
I gave up my law practice in November of 1996, and now devote myself fully to serving God. I travel all over the world sharing with others the beautiful love and light that Divine Mother gave to me. I have visited with spiritual family in Los Angeles, New Jersey, Florida, San Francisco, Maui, Big Island and Australia. There will be more traveling down the road.
Meditations are held six days a week in Honolulu and weekly in Los Angeles; San Francisco; Long Valley, New Jersey; Townsville, Australia; and Kula, Maui. More homes will be opened for meditation and sharing as the spiritual family continues to grow.
If you would like to know more, please contact me as follows:
Audrey E. Kitagawa
Telephone: (212) 832-6697
Email: dmaudrey@lightofawareness.org
May God bless you and keep you in His infinite love and peace.