My Husband’s Passing

In 1987, my husband, Masao and I met Divine Mother in Hawaii. After our first meeting, we used to go to her home to meditate on the first Sunday of every month. We were so fortunate to have been given the mantra. Divine Mother had so much Love and compassion for everyone. We looked forward to meditating with her. Divine Mother explained to us that we have to be connected to the Source in order to receive the Light, and that we must be humble like the mango tree. Divine Mother often used the Japanese word “Su-na-o” (i.e.“humble”).
When Masao began to have difficulty walking, we moved to California on November 11, 1991. We wanted to be near our four children and grandchildren who all live in Los Angeles. Every time Divine Mother came to L.A., she came over to our house and meditated with us. Divine Mother had so much Love for us. When Divine Mother Audrey came to L.A., she also came over to our house to meditate with Masao and me. She always said, “Don’t worry. Offer Masao to Divine Mother, and she will take care of him.” We were really blessed to have had such personal attention. Masao was confined to a wheelchair for five years. My four children and their spouses, all of whom are also on this path, were so helpful and loving in assisting me to take care of Masao. He received so much love from the family and from the spiritual family as well.
In December 1996, I had knee surgery, and I was admitted to the Daniel Freeman Hospital. During that same week, Masao got sick and was admitted to the Gardena Community Hospital. He came down with pneumonia, and my doctor did not want me to visit Masao because he did not want me to contract any infections. I planned to visit Masao as soon as I got out of the hospital and Masao got better. Unfortunately, on January 7, 1997, Masao suddenly passed away. We had been married for fifty-six years, and I felt so sad that I did not have a chance to say goodbye to him and that I had not been there at his side when he died. I was grateful that at least our children were with him when he passed away.
In May 1997, I had to go to Hawaii to take care of the family grave. I was very concerned about doing this properly. Divine Mother Audrey told me, “Don’t worry. Divine Mother will guide you.” When I went to Hawaii, everything just flowed. Divine Mother Audrey really guided me with the plot and the new gravesite. I just couldn’t believe how smoothly things worked out for me.
Since Masao’s passing, Divine Mother Audrey has helped me to release my sadness and guilt over not being with Masao when he died. I am grateful for living life every day, and I am enjoying life. I enjoy cooking, sewing, gardening, morning walks for exercise, and attending meditation with the spiritual family. My children and their spouses, the spiritual family, and friends have been so kind and loving to me.
I am also happy and peaceful because Divine Mother Audrey has given so much Love, compassion, and help to me and my children, Amy, Jan, Leslie and Dale, and my grandchildren. I praise God for all the grace our family has received.