December 1997 Newsletter
(Volume 1, Number 3)
“A Special Christmas Edition”

“Thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matt 22:37-39)
Jesus also gave a new commandment to his disciples, “That ye love one another, as I have loved you...” (John 13:34)
Divine Mother Audrey’s Message
Sri Ramakrishna’s experience with Jesus was recorded in The Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna as follows:
“...some time in November l874, Sri Ramakrishna was seized with an irresistible desire to learn the truth of the Christian religion. He began to listen to readings from the Bible...Sri Ramakrishna became fascinated by the life and teachings of Jesus. One day he was seated in the parlor of Jadu Mallick’s garden house at Dakshineswar when his eyes became fixed on a painting of the Madonna and Child. Intently watching it, he became gradually overwhelmed with divine emotion. The figures in the picture took on life, and the rays of light emanating from them entered his soul...he cried out, ‘O Mother! What are you doing to me?’ And, breaking through the barriers of creed and religion, he entered a new realm of ecstasy. Christ possessed his soul. For three days he did not set foot in the Kali temple. On the fourth day in the afternoon, as he was walking in the Panchavati, he saw coming toward him a person with beautiful large eyes, serene countenance, and fair skin. As the two faced each other, a voice rang out in the depths of Sri Ramakrishna’s soul: ‘Behold the Christ, who shed His heart’s blood for the redemption of the world, who suffered a sea of anguish for love of men. It is He, the Master Yogi, who is in eternal union with God. It is Jesus, Love Incarnate.’ The Son of Man embraced the Son of the Divine Mother and merged in him. Sri Ramakrishna realized his identity with Christ, as he had already realized his identity with Kali, Rama, Hanuman, Radha, Krishna, Brahman, and Mohammed. The Master went into samadhi and communed with the Brahman with attributes. Thus he realized the truth that Christianity too, was a path leading to God-consciousness. Till the last moment of his life he believed that Christ was an incarnation of God...”
Jesus was the personal name given to the Avatar, (a Divine Incarnation of God), who was born in Bethlehem during the time of Herod the Great, who ruled over Palestine, the Jewish homeland. The title Christ comes from the Greek word christos, which is a translation of the Hebrew word messiah, or anointed one, and has become so closely associated with Jesus that it is incorporated into his name. Jesus’ teachings of love and compassion spread throughout the world, and Christianity, the religion based upon his teachings, is one of the largest religions in the world today. Jesus’ own religious background was Judaism.
The New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Bible, reveal most of what is known of Jesus’ life. Christmas is the holiday which celebrates His birth, which is called the Nativity. Though His birth was humble, wise men from the East came to pay homage to him, and King Herod had all newborn males slain to eliminate this potential rival to his throne. Joseph, having been warned about Herod’s decree in a dream, fled with Mary and Jesus to Egypt. After Herod’s death, they returned to Galilee, and settled in the town of Nazareth.
Little is known of Jesus’ youth, although there is one incident set forth in Luke which tells of Jesus’ remarkable ability at age l2 to amaze the Temple teachers and scholars with his breadth of knowledge of religion. During his ministry Jesus was revered for his ability to perform miracles. He healed the sick, lame, and blind. He walked on the sea, raised his friend Lazarus from the dead, turned water into wine, and fed a throng of 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fishes.

The enduring quality of Jesus’ ministry was his ability to manifest and teach God’s love. He gave the hope of redemption for anyone who truly repented. He taught compassion, forgiveness, and love for one another. By his own actions he also demonstrated the virtues of tolerance, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her,” (challenging a group of people attempting to stone an adulterous woman. John 8:7); forbearance, “Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” (Matt. 5:30); and self examination, “And why beholdest thou the splinter that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?” (Matt. 7:3).
Jesus was clear about the priorities that one must have. In the book of Matthew, when a lawyer asked Jesus which is the greatest commandment in the law, Jesus replied, “Thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matt 22:37-39). Jesus also gave a new commandment to his disciples, “That ye love one another, as I have loved you...” (John l3:34).
The Apostle Paul, who knew of the love of Jesus and understood his pure message of love preached the teachings of Jesus, and in his epistle in Corinthians, wrote:
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing.
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profiteth me nothing.
Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up.
Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
Love never faileth; but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away...
And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians l3:l-l3)
The purest love comes from God. The power of God’s love will transform your life. This divine love is already within you, and when conveyed from that sacred place within your heart to others, can be a source of awakening to love within that other. My most memorable and treasured Christmas came in the form of this pure love. It was a gift that was given to me by Divine Mother. It was a simple Christmas card from her, but the love that was contained within it resonated to the core of my heart. Divine Mother enclosed $20 with the card. She had a way of letting you know that she thought of you to the smallest detail. This was my first Christmas in Boston, and I could not come home that year. I have treasured this card, and the moment of unspeakable love that I felt when I read it. I delighted in Divine Mother’s humor, as the cover of the card had a Hawaiian Santa Claus in a sleigh being pulled by reindeers flying toward Diamond Head and Waikiki Beach. I share this beautiful treasure with you now, and may the great love that it expressed be transmitted to the core of your heart as it was to mine.

It is this sharing of love that Christ brought to mankind. It is the celebration of this love’s sharing that we remember at Christmas in our acts of giving. I am happy to share the love in the hearts of the spiritual family with you as they give out in this special Christmas edition.
May God bless you, and keep you in His infinite love and joy. Merry Christmas!
The Spiritual Family’s Christmas Sharing
The gift I would like to share with my loved ones is this precious gift from Divine Mother—the complete and boundless Love that she poured overflowing into my heart.
Mark Nomura
What I would like to give for Christmas is a hearty concoction of Roberta’s devotion, Ken’s enthusiasm, Mary’s humility, Nelson’s steadfastness, (and the special ingredients of still others, too numerous to mention), steeped in the warmth of the spiritual family’s love and presented to all who wish to fortify spiritual character that we may love Divine Mother more and give whole-hearted support to Divine Mother Audrey as she takes Sri Ramakrishna’s Light out to the world. Thank you, Divine Mother Audrey, for bringing Truth to our lives and to the lives of countless others who are yet to experience the oneness of God.
Edith Sakai
Because of Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey’s true heartfelt, unconditional Love, I will be able to give my husband and son a new wife and mother who has discovered her true self worth.
Kim Kitagawa
What I want to give is simple; use the tools that God has blessed me with to their highest potential for whatever God needs of me.
John Tsukahira
I wish that I will be able to tell my friends about Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey, and this spiritual path of Sri Ramakrishna.
Clyde Higuchi
I offer as a gift, that which we have been so fortunate to receive, unconditional love.
David Farkash
When I was a little girl, I’d lie in bed thinking of all the wonderful gifts I’d buy my parents when I grew up and had money. This Christmas, I hope to give them LOVE, real love, God’s Love. I have been showered with constant Love from Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey and now my wish is to give this love to all those around me. It is my hope that they too will feel embraced by it, comforted by it and inspired by it as I have. My heart is overflowing with joy to finally find the ultimate gift-spiritual love-God’s Love. Thank you, Divine Mother Audrey.
Casey Herrera
I wish to give back what is in my heart for it is filled with your love.
Gary Maeda
This Christmas, I want to give praise to God for how my life has changed. Joy and peace to those around me because my heart is more joyful and my mind more peaceful. Love and devotion to Divine Mother because she gave God’s pure unconditional Love. My total support to Divine Mother Audrey because she totally supports Divine Mother, and my heart to God because without God, I have nothing to give.
Todd Loomis
To God, I offer myself; to Divine Mother Audrey, I offer a loving and trusting heart; to my friends and family, I offer the truth with compassion; to Tatou, I offer a listening Mom that says “Yes, thank you!”
Leni Davis
The gift that I’d like to give is to help move everyone around the world toward God’s peace. I would do this by constantly remembering to repeat the beautiful, powerful mantra that I was blessed to receive from Divine Mother.
Jeanne Petroff
I’d like to forever express God’s kindness and unconditional Love of all things in His creation and do this through the practice of putting God first and right living.
Jim Petroff
I was able to face my worst fears and have a second chance at life. I would like to share these spiritual gems with others as a way to give.
Kathy Anzai
I want to give Divine Mother’s Love that is in my heart to everyone.
Ken Teramoto
I give my whole heart to Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey for all the love and grace I’ve received. Now, I realize that I must share all the love and give out to others.
Diane Teramoto
For Christmas, I would like to give many thanks to Divine Mother Audrey and Divine Mother for providing me and my family the opportunity to develop a deeper, genuine relationship amongst ourselves and to give thanks for being able to feel emotions like pain, love and peace. I would also like to give out by sharing my daily life experiences.
Brent Kunimoto
For Christmas, I would like to give my heart and head, hands and feet to serve Divine Mother Audrey as she takes Sri Ramakrishna’s Light and unconditional Love to the entire world.
Roberta Christianson
For Christmas, I would like to give love and compassion to my spiritual brothers and sisters as well as to everyone I know. I would also like to support Divine Mother Audrey and the spiritual family by being a shining representative of Divine Mother in my love and devotion, conduct, thought, and speech. And, I would like to serve Divine Mother Audrey with my whole heart as she goes out to the world.
Sarah Christianson
Thank You so much God, Sri Ramakrishna, Divine Mother, Divine Mother Audrey and the spiritual family, for this pure and wonderful path. This is such a simple yet beautiful question posed, (i.e. what would I give for Christmas?) It has made me look at giving in a different way. Christmas can be so commercialized and rushed, not really enjoying the true spirit of Christmas, “Gratitude and Love.” Making those long lists of gifts and going to the store and purchasing out of obligation. Listening to all those “I wants,” and “I need.” But after thinking about this question I realize that you are trying to bring us back home to God with this, to make us aware that it is in the simple things like giving that we can bring forth this Love of God. Not to give with obligation but to give with love. When we are in the crowds, and rush of Christmas we can stop and say, “Yes, thank You, God.” To remember why we are here, put love in our hearts, truly give love and gratitude for the person that we are buying the gift for. It is really this love and gratitude that we are giving, (the spiritual food), and the gift is merely a token of this expression. Thank you Divine Mother Audrey, for this awareness.
Denise Yota
I would like to give my heart more to God.
Diana Nomura
My Christmas gift is to put my family, friends and strangers in my heart with Divine Mother Audrey and say the mantra for each one throughout the day.
Amy Asato
I would like to give love, devotion, thanks and prayers.
Betty Shimabukuro
I have received so much love from God. This Christmas, I want to give all the love I received from Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey.
Jan Tamashiro
Especially to my daughter and my husband I would like to give God’s Love that continues to grow in my heart through Divine Mother Audrey and Divine Mother’s grace.
Jenny Nomura
To give my total commitment and support to Divine Mother Audrey and Divine Mother so others may also be blessed by their Light and compassion.
Michael Nomura
I would like to give hope, by example, that people can change, that we all can find true love in God, and that we can realize God in this lifetime, right here, within us.
Linda Lau
Having received the highest from Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey, I want to give back the best that I can by sharing, by standing firm and speaking the Truth...all through God’s grace and Love.
Bobbi Chinen
I will give my whole heart with love and devotion to Divine Mother and my commitment and support to Divine Mother Audrey so that the hearts of the people all over the world may be touched as mine has been by the message, Light and Love of Divine Mother.
Mary Farkash
I would like to give hope to the newcomers and share with them the realization that God is the source of all and through loving Him, we can indeed find happiness in this lifetime. I know, because it happened to me. My eternal love and gratitude goes to Divine Mother Audrey and Divine Mother for showing me the way.
Elaine Ogata
I would like to give every suffering child the joy of experiencing Divine Mother Audrey and Divine Mother’s unconditional Love.
John Christianson
For Christmas, I would like to give to my family understanding, compassion and joy from my heart. To be able to be in the moment all the time, to appreciate the beauty that each of them has to share, and to be able to speak the truth, with love when I feel it in my heart. These are the gifts I would like to give my family for Christmas, and every other day of the year.
Teri Koyanagi
This Christmas, I offer my sadness, arrogance, high horse and the chip on my shoulder. And, I give my heart to you and Divine Mother.
Sheri Nakamura
I would share some of the precious gifts that were given to me by Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey—love, peace, joy, abundance, the feeling of being cherished and held safe, and the wonderful experiences which help us back to our true Godselves.
Harriet Itoman
This Christmas, I want to give my total heart to God.
Rodney Tamashiro
I wish to give the gift of the journey to reconnect to one’s Godself.
Tad Kunimoto
As a professional in Health Communication, I wish to give the gift of total health-the integration of spirit, mind and body-that comes from Divine Mother’s pure Love through Divine Mother Audrey.
Elizabeth Kunimoto
I want to give love, compassion, understanding, encouragement, joy and my truth, and I wish to see it always in others.
Helen Kaprielian
For Christmas, I would like to give my loved ones an emergency kit filled with love, respect, honesty, and commitment to God, and to keep our connection with God clear and free from unnecessary things.
Audrey Kwock
The best gift I can give is my complete devotion and commitment to Divine Mother. From there, she does everything. She has given me everything. It all comes back to her divine Love.
Annie Kwock
I give my body, mind and soul to Divine Mother so I can shine God’s Light. I give my heart to Divine Mother Audrey for all the Love she shares with everyone. I give my thanks to Divine Mother for my spiritual path to know God.
Linda Livingston
I would like to give something that is dearest to my heart...the love and gratefulness for God that I get in my heart when I look in the mirror and see Divine Mother Audrey’s smile radiating God’s infinite Love. A love that would transform the hearts of all that look at themselves with negativity and despair so that they could see the beauty of God’s Love within themselves.
Lloyd Nakamura, Jr.
When I was a child my parents were very dysfunctional. My father was abusive to my mother. They were always fighting. I was living in fear, not knowing how to act. It did not matter whether we were good or bad, the fighting just continued and the rage remained in my parents. My family’s salvation was Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey. Their unconditional Love healed our family’s wounds and brought us to our wholesomeness. The only thing I could give would be my heart, total love, devotion and support to Divine Mother Audrey so she may go out into the world and touch the hearts and heal the wounds of so many more families in the world.
Lee Ann Serizawa
I would like to give my ego and stubbornness to God.
Randy Nakao
I would give to Divine Mother Audrey, my open, grateful and humble heart. I will give to others all that is in my heart, the unconditional Love that I have received so generously from Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey, which has made me so happy, joyous and complete.
Joni Tamashiro
In gratitude, I give my heart to God and Divine Mother Audrey, and more of my time in meditation, prayer and togetherness with the spiritual family. Thank you Divine Mother Audrey, for your guidance on this journey home to my Godself.
Eleanor Young
Imagine going through a painful experience, where you feel hurt, defeated and alone. Now imagine having God’s words flow to you with a love, caring, and understanding that you never imagined possible. And having the personalized Love of God there to guide you through this troubled time. This has been my experience with Divine Mother Audrey, and this is what I would give EVERYONE for Christmas.
Lane Nakamura
I would like to give to God my willingness to do God’s will and my willingness to change from one who takes to one who gives. Giving out to others may bring both fulfillment and happiness to all. In knowing that giving is life and taking is death, my gift will be one of giving.
Bob Meagher
The greatest gift to me is the unconditional love and freedom that I have received, and I pray to Divine Mother that I will be able to give that same pure love and freedom to others.
Ken Johnson
I would like to give to others what I have been given, the opportunity to meet Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey, to come home to God. I would like to give the unconditional Love that I have experienced from God. I would like to give people the freedom to be who they are and to find themselves.
Susie Nakao
This holiday season, I want to thank Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey for all the awarenesses and graces that I have received. It is for this reason that I gladly give my heart wholeheartedly to Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey.
Jose Madamba
I would offer my life to God and thank God for our family’s spiritual evolvement and for all the many, many miracles in our life. Thank you, Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey.
Gloria Madamba
I would like to offer up all of my experiences, good and bad...and all of my boulders and shortcomings to order that I may have the true clarity and spiritual discipline so I can give my full love and support to Divine Mother Audrey who is...carrying Divine Mother’s beautiful message and Light to the world.
Joseph Madamba
To Divine Mother Audrey, I give my whole heart and my total love and devotion. To my spiritual brothers and sisters, I give the deep love and understanding I have received from Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey the past 19 years.
James Tamashiro
I want to give a thousand mantras said for a thousand souls, starting now.
Duffy Kwock
I have been given the grace to experience God’s infinite Love, peace and joy here and now. I wish to give this grateful heart to God.
Joyce Volen
I can give a lot of love, support, understanding and sharing.
Emi Serizawa
My Christmas gift would be a beautiful gold basket filled with all my love to Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey; my 100% support and commitment to Divine Mother Audrey as she takes Sri Ramakrishna’s Light to the world; and continuing to do the self-examination to clean up my insides.
Ida Evans
I will share my experiences to anyone who is interested in how Divine Mother Audrey and Divine Mother saved my life. How they saved my life when I wasn’t living right and I was chasing my wife toward a nervous breakdown. How they graciously took away my addiction to drugs. How they took away my paralyzing fear of death and helped me to start facing myself.
Randy Serizawa
If I had one wish to give out to the world, it would be for everyone to have an opportunity to experience God’s precious Light.
Bobby Tamashiro
I want to give all of myself, my whole heart to You!
Lanae Maeda
Find God in your heart, you’ll be happy forever.
Nellie Taise
My Christmas gift is to feel the love for God and share the love with my spiritual brothers and sisters.
Tom Evans
I would like to give the gift of inner peace and experiencing God’s unconditional Love through the presence of Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey.
Bonnie Tristan
The gift of love that has been bestowed upon us by Divine Mother should be, in turn, shared with others. This is the highest gift we could give to others.
Asa Higuchi
To awaken the spiritual consciousness in others would certainly bring peace and harmony into their lives. What a perfect gift to bestow!
Edna Higuchi
For Christmas, I want to shine Divine Mother’s Light to others.
Pina Lee
I want to give Divine Mother, my heart and soul, and love and devotion, and my whole hearted support to Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey. If I could I would put all these in a pretty box and wrap it with yellow ribbon and mail it to Divine Mother Audrey’s doorstep.
Ann Rubendall
To Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey, a humble, grateful and devoted heart; to wife Becky, and my children, a repentant and giving heart devoted to God...
Lloyd Nakamura
The gift of giving back to others is truly the Christmas spirit. For myself, I want to give back to Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey all that I have received through the years with the spiritual family and most recently at the intensives at 927. It was there that I was spiritually awakened. I would like to give back all that I have received from Divine Mother Audrey and share the Ninth Path with others, especially my sisters.
Becky Nakamura
My gift wish would be to share the gift that is the Light of God with whomever I could.
David Ono
To Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey, focus, concentration and support; to Mom, a strong, spiritually healthy, wholesome daughter; to Sudhir, an understanding, listening and supportive wife; to myself, self-respect.
Tatou Mehta
With eternal gratitude, I give my love and support to Divine Mother Audrey as she takes Divine Mother’s Light to the world.
Jan Yuen
To give a complete week of service directly to the spiritual family, either in Los Angeles or Honolulu; to complete a new song, which is about the spirit of Sri Ramakrishna, and sing it for Divine Mother Audrey and the spiritual family; to give 10 days of “special events” to my Uncle Joe, who had a stroke last year and is confined to a nursing home; to give special attention to my father’s desire to record some of his music; to make breakfast for my parents and brother and help them as much as possible.
Gary Barlough
I just want everyone to be happy and grateful!
Claire Harada
This Christmas, I want to give of myself in any capacity to serve with a loving and devoted heart.
Junko Murakami
I would love to see 9 million people on the number 9th Path.
Clyde Harada
My gift to Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey is a renewed commitment, steadfastness and concentration in my love and devotion to God.
Fran Kawamura
What I most want to give to everyone is the unconditional Love I so abundantly received from Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey—such indescribable bliss.
Sue Iwashita
I want to give to those who are seeking a spiritual path the spiritual awareness, love and wisdom I received from Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey.
Mel Murakami
I would like to give my unconditional love and affection to my children, granddaughter and husband as I was unable to express it from my heart. Thank you Divine Mother and Divine Mother Audrey for changing my consciousness to be able to feel and receive God’s Love. I’m so grateful.
Janet Yoshimura
May I offer my heart filled with all your Love. In reverence and devotion, always.
Lois Suemori